Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince are playing pinball together at the Hogwarts’ Pub?


From the U.S. magazine “Teen”, we receive and gladly publish some photos preview of Harry Potter 6: “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince”, in american cinemas from November 21.

One of these photos reveals to be of particular interest. Harry enters some sort of a public local, and obviously (?) there’s a pinball inside! Which pinball would be? This type of research is actually bread to get our teeth into 🙂 as well known by who follows our section “Pinballs at the movies” (which can be found in the links in the right column, under the section “The best of Tilt”). Although we’re not talking about an Italian movie here but, just to keep ourselves in exercise… 😉

So. From the little that we can see into the photo available, the coin door and cabinet, we can guess it belong to a Williams with three coin slides, a classic cabinet with the chromed coin-door as usual from the 70s until the 80s …

We can’t say more about the model, of which too much little can really be seen to be able to discuss about, but the head seems no larger than the rest of the cabinet, and that’s so unusual, for an electronic pinball game. In addition, it seems to be very high, much more than usual. Maybe, something like a “Big Guns “, for example. Looking at the photo carefully, I glimpsed at the bottom the area normally reserved for DMD displays (or an alphanumeric display), and to the left of the mouth of Harry Potter a red spot which could be one of two grids of speakers. Above, the backglass of the pinball. Maybe it’s really a “Big Guns” but with a not original coin door 🙂 But we always have the size of the head which is not common… and it could not be for sure a “Vacation America“, or a Bally “Speak Easy“, because of that coin door, too!

Maybe a custom made pinball? We definetely need some more accurate photos, or maybe to see the movie 😉

8 thoughts on “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince are playing pinball together at the Hogwarts’ Pub?

  1. Ok, e’ stato facile… il flipper che appare nel film e’ un Williams “Ding Dong”, del 1968! Questo almeno a giudicare dal vetro della testata, che si intravede per un mezzo secondo 😯
    Se controllate la foto della scena del film, con quella del vetro della testata del “Ding Dong” piu’ sotto, si nota come la macchia rossa che si vede alla sinistra della faccia di Harry Potter sia il muro di mattoni, e la chiazza bianca vicina corrisponda alla faccia del bambino che si tappa le orecchie. Inoltre, proprio sopra al ciuffo di Harry Potter, si vede una macchia bianca, dove c’e’ il nome del flipper, “Ding Dong”!
    L’argomento del flipper e’ quello dell’ambiente scolastico, mi domando se sia un caso, visto che buona parte del film e’ appunto ambientata alla scuola di Hogwarts 🙄
    Poi, c’e’ da dire che il mobile avrebbe dovuto avere un colore bianco, invece nel film (e nella foto) appare scuro, come tutta la scena (e come tutto il film, del resto)… possibile che sia stato riverniciato, oppure che i colori della scena siano stati ritoccati per il film!
    1968 Williams

  2. E’ un elettromeccanico, e la scena non è ambientata in un pub o locale simile, ma nella “tana”, la casa dei Weasly, più precisamente nel capanno del padre di Ron, dove tiene gli oggetti babbani (per lui) più misteriosi…

    Ma ve lo immaginate un flipper wizard-powered?
    Piani che si modificano, trick incredibili… palline che scompaiono veramente… e senza nessun guasto 🙂

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